Contribute to SCM’s, manifold activities that promote education, empower women, provide medical assistance and more. Email or contact the respective Institution office.
Your donations could fund the following ongoing projects and existing schemes:
BACK TO SCHOOL - Appeal for Srivali High School (May 2024) [click here]
DFC AdvisoryNo.210.08.2023 [click here]
Schools Affiliated to SCM - Circular
Shrī Chitrāpur Mat̲h̲
Saraswat Education Society (Sec 80G eligible)
Srīvalī Trust, Shirālī (Sec 80G eligible)
Parijñān Foundation
(Sec 80G eligible)
Donations towards the following activities are not eligible for rebate under Sec 80G:
Shrī Chitrāpur Math Charitable Trust (Sec 80G eligible)
Guruprasād Education Society (Sec 80G eligible)
Kārlā Education Trust (Sec 80G eligible)
Shree Trust (Sec 80G eligible)
Umā Maheshwara Devasthāna Trust, MaṅgaῙūru
Shrī Anantheshwara Temple Trust, Viṭṭlā
Parama Pujya Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji's love and reverence for Sanskrit is well known. Following His instructions that Sanskrit learning must be made easy and freely available to everybody who desires to learn it, a group of sadhakas worked to formulate a Step by Step learning programme.
The lessons that you see on our website are designed to take a student from 'I do not know a word of Sanskrit' to 'I can't believe that I can decipher this on my own!'