The Kara Seva Shibir 2011, conducted from 15th to 22nd May , was my first shibir. After having heard so much about it from my seniors, I was eager to be a shibirarthi and work at Shri Chitrapur Math.
Set in the serene precincts of our divine Math at Shirali, the Kara Seva Shibir 2012 was held from 13th May to 20th May 2012. It was an overwhelming and a spell binding experience for the 54 young and enthusiastic Shibirarthis.
On a hot humid day, clusters of yuvas from Mumbai waited excitedly to board the bus to Shirali. With devotion in our hearts and a sole objective in mind, we started our journey for Kara Seva, later joined by yuvas from other sabhas. In all, we were 38 shibiraarthis from all over India.
Kar Seva literally means ‘services done by the hands’. Keeping this in mind the Kar Seva Shibir was conceptualized in May 2005 under the aegis of Shri Chitrapur Math, Shirali.