Karseva Shibir at Shirali in 2013
On a hot humid day, clusters of yuvas from Mumbai waited excitedly to board the bus to Shirali. With devotion in our hearts and a sole objective in mind, we started our journey for Kara Seva, later joined by yuvas from other sabhas. In all, we were 38 shibiraarthis from all over India.
Event : Karseva Shibir at Shirali in 2013
Report : By Ruhi R Kuddyady & Arjun A Rao
Photo credits : Maithili Padukone, Nitish Mudur Bhat
On a hot humid day, clusters of yuvas from Mumbai waited excitedly to board the bus to Shirali. With devotion in our hearts and a sole objective in mind, we started our journey for Kara Seva, later joined by yuvas from other sabhas. In all, we were 38 shibiraarthis from all over India. Our Pramukh Sanchalak Niranjan Nagarkatte mam made sure all details regarding the bus and travel to Shirali were taken care of and the journey went off like clockwork. On our arrival at the Math, Vinati Udiyavar pacchi’s impeccable planning had made sure there were no glitches in the accommodation and infrastructure.
Like every year, the Kara Seva Shibir 2013 was an excellent blend of spiritual and physical activities. It was slightly different from the previous shibirs since it was held at the end of May (26th May to 2nd June), so the rain played a key role throughout the shibir. After a brief yet interesting ice-breaker session, Dr. Chaitanya Gulvady Maam took an interactive session on “Padaprakshalan to Phalamantrakshata” followed by a tour around the Math guided by Sabita Harite pachchi and Sharayu Haldipur pachchi who gave the shibiraarthis complete knowledge about the significance of different parts of our Math.
Kara Seva began the following morning under the guidance of Arun Trikkanad-mam with activities like raking of leaves to make manure, spreading of manure in the fields, removing plastic and glass items from the Ratha Gadde, uprooting the weeds and left over roots, and the most popular among the shibiraarthis, pond-cleaning at Kembre farms under the cloudy sky and the rains! Moreover, the indoor Kara Seva activities like decorating handmade paper articles at Hand Made Paper conversion unit, Rath cleaning at the Museum added to the excitement. Also, for the physical development of shibiraarthis, daily Surya namaskar and stretching exercises were given emphasis. All the shibiraarthis also got an opportunity to offer Bhajan seva during Ashtavadhaan Seva as well as to serve during Prasad Bhojan in the Math.
The Kara Seva Shibir is an opportunity that teaches all the yuvas that the Math is much more than just a religious institution. It has so many different facets that one wouldn’t have even imagined. It is the foundation of our community and the hub of all our cultural activities. This was clearly indicated through a wide array of sessions like Vimarsh conducted by Tejashree Savkur, Meera Balsavar Pachhi’s Garland weaving session, Mayur Kalbag Maam’s “Learnings from the Guru”, an interactive session on “Guru Parampara” by Varsha Kadle Pachhi , Kalpana Chandavarkar Pachhi and Aditya Chandavarkar, “Konkani fun” by Maithili Padukone, insightful sessions by Sadhana Kaikini Pachhi on “Self awareness” and Gauri Gokarn Pachhi on “Team building”, “Brick Game” by Krishnanand Heblekar Maam (fondly known as Kutty Maam) and Priti Panemanglore Pachhi, update and information on various Math projects by Archana Savnal pachchi and a well-organized quiz by Archana Kumta Pachhi and Manjula Jamalabad Pachhi. The girls were taught to perform Shri Devi Anushthaan by Sabita Harite pachchi and boys performed Gayatri Anushtaan under the guidance Shri. Harish Baindur Bhat-mam. Meera Balsavar Pachhi taught Sanskrit stotras and bhajans. All the 8 Shibiraarthis who desired to receive Mantra deeksha from Parama Pujya Swamiji, received it from Him on the first and the second day itself.
Dr. Gaurish Padukone Maam who is a very renowned Veterinarian, took the shibiraarthis to the Goshala and the bio-gas plant and explained its functioning. It was very interesting to know how the Math is adapting to modern scientific techniques in its day to day activities. The shibiraarthis also visited The Srivalli High School for the felicitation ceremony of the SSC pass-outs and were given a chance to attend a Sangha meeting of the Parimochana project where shibirarthis purchased products made by the Parimochana scheme beneficiary. The other visits included Samvit Sudha, Srivali clinic , the Museum and a monsoon trek to Panchavati. Shri B.G. Kailajemam and his team in the math saw to it that even our smallest need was taken care of.
However, the highlight of the shibir was the interaction with Parama Pujya Swamiji at the Museum in which He showered His blessings on the shibiraarthis by answering all their questions. The shibiraarthis rejoiced every moment having batata wadas and ice-cream with their beloved Guru, after the interaction. A week long shibir ended with a fun-filled cultural programme attended by Parama Pujya Swamiji and the Math staff, followed by an Aashirvachan by Parama Pujya Swamiji and Phalamantrakshata.
Kara Seva Shibir is a never ending journey that gives an opportunity to all Chitrapur Saraswat yuvas to offer seva to their Math. The shibir not only ignites a sense of devotion and dedication towards the Math and the Chitrapur Guru Parampara but also helps the yuvas develop holistically. While contemplating on the learnings and cherishing the memories of the shibir, the shibiraarthis continue to grow to their best potential long after the shibir has concluded.