Wellness-check Camp, Shirali

A healthy body is the perfect home for a healthy mind. To ensure that the multi-talented children of Srivali High School,Shirali are physically fit, Parama Pujya Swamiji blessed the wish expressed by Mangesh Chickermanemam that his U.S-based daughter Dr. Shreegouri Savkur would conduct a medical camp for them. Here is a detailed report by
Dr. Shreegouri Savkurpachi and Krishnanand Mankikarmam                                           (October 2018)

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Janma Divasa 2018

Our Mathadhipati- Parama Pujya Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji has initiated all sadhaka-s to do intense sadhana to commemorate the

Janma Divasa of His Beloved Guru – Parama Pujya Parijnanashram Swamiji III. The dedicated group of teachers of Prarthana Varg have also been devising many creative, innovative and informative –cum-enjoyable activities to encourage our little ones to take a tiny step forward on their spiritual journey.

Here is a three-city report on how our children commemorated this
memorable day….     (September 2018)

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Yuvadhara Calling!

If YOU belong to a Chitrapur Saraswat family and are between 18 and 35, it is time you stepped out of your world of confusing choices, too little exercise and unlimited stress. It is time you joined a large group of joyful youngsters whose confidence, all-round development and pride about their sacred roots is being lovingly nurtured by our beloved Mathadhipati Parama Pujya Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji. Here is a kaleidoscopic ‘round-up’ by ADITYA CHANDAVARKAR, Chief Coordinator, Chitrapur Yuvadhara of a few of the many ways in which Yuvas 'grew' together over the last one year                                  Photo credit: SCM Anushravas                       ( August 2018)

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Brought up in a strong-rooted home VINATI UDIYAVAR developed  deep love and reverence towards our hallowed Guruparampara from a very early age. In this heartfelt, first-person account she describes how this devotion acquired greater meaning and a sense of deep fulfilment when, with the loving Guidance of Parama Poojya Swamiji,  it learnt to  express itself  in many wonderful forms of      (July 2018)

Photo credits -  Maithili Padukone and Pankaj Kumta

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Distance was no deterrent for US-based 16-year-old RHEA KALYANPUR who has created some amazing and useful kits to help the children of ParijnanashramVidyalaya in their exciting journey towards new concepts, more knowledge. Here is Rhea’s touching account, in her own words, of how her brilliant efforts have reached halfway across the globe and proved                           (June 2018)

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