S͟has͟hṭitama- abdaprāpti-utsavaḥ-Shivasāyujyam

21st November 2023 – Kārtika Shukla Navamī 2024

॥ ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः ॥ श्री भवानीशङ्कराय नमः ॥ श्री मात्रे नमः ॥

साधो ऐसा ही गुरु भावे
राग रंग का भर भर प्याला
पीवे और पिलावे    ॥ ध्रुवपद ॥

नाद छुपा तन में लय मन में
कोई बता नहिं पावे
सात सुरों की बानी मेरी
ॐकार धुन गावे     ॥ १ ॥

परमहंस गुरु हंस रूप धर
हिरदय बीच बिराजे
चाँद सूरज का लोचन गुरु का
देखे और दिखावे     ॥ २ ॥


From साधो ऐसा ही गुरु भावे by Shrī Vasant Dev


On 21st November 2023 (Kārtika Shukla Navamī) the Chitrāpur Sāraswat Samāja embarked on the joyous, year long S͟has͟hṭitama-abdaprāpti-utsavaḥ of its beloved Guru H.H. Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī, 11th Mat͟hādhipati of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, Shirālī. We Chitrāpur Sāraswat-s are particularly blessed to be guided by a Guru who is verily the living embodiment of the spiritual values enshrined in a 300-year Guruparamparā, and indeed whose life is His message; a message that continuously inspires Sādhaka-s to strive on the path illuminated by this accomplished, erudite Yativara. That each of us has the privilege of participating in the S͟has͟hṭitama-abdaprāpti-utsavaḥ of such a Guru is an unparalleled Blessing. 

Team Shivasāyujyam invites all Sādhaka-s to express their gratitude and reverence for all that H.H. Swāmījī has painstakingly taught and accomplished for the Samāja over the past 25 years, and celebrate this most auspicious commencement of the 60th Year of H.H. Swāmījī  by performing Vaiyaktika (Personal) Sādhanā-s, participate in the regular Sāmūhika activities announced by the Local Sabhā groups, and make the coming 12 months a memorable part of not just their personal spiritual journey, but also celebrate the shared values, heritage, and devotion to the Guru that binds our growing Community. 

Shivasāyujyam began with a Sāmūhika Saṅkalpa on behalf of the Samāja in the hallowed Sannidhi of Shrī Bhavānīshaṅkar and H.H. Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī at ‘Araṇyāks͟ha’, Goā, on 21st November 2023.

Sādhaka-s are invited to be a part of the year-long S͟has͟hṭitama- abdaprāpti-utsavaḥ by participating in as many of the vishes͟ha sādhanā-s (Vaiyaktika as well as Sāmūhika) listed below. 

At the end of this 12 month period, a report showing the number of participants in any  of the activities  listed below will be offered at the Lotus Feet of H.H. Swāmījī.\

For any queries email us at shivasayujyam@gmail.com 


(perform one or more)

1. Daily chanting of Shrī Gurubhajana Stotram, Dāridryadahanashiva Stotram & Bhavānībhujaṅgaprayāta Stotram.

2. Daily extra mālā-s of Is͟hṭa Mantra Japa (after washing of hands & feet) in the evening.                                      
Chanting of “Oṁ Namaḥ Shivāya” (For those who have not taken Mantra Dīks͟hā)

3. Performing Shrī Guru Pūjana individually on any two Thursdays in a month.

4. On every Shukla Navamī of the next twelve months, sādhaka-s may perform Shrī Devī Anus͟ht͟hāna at any time of the day. Shukla Navamī falls on the following dates: 
21-11-23, 21-12-23, 19-01-24, 18-02-24, 18-3-2024.  17-4-2024, 17-5-2024, 15-6-2024, 15-07-2024

All of these sādhanā-s can be performed by Sādhaka-s at home.

May the blessings of our Hallowed Guruparamparā, and our Pūjya Swāmījī be showered on all of us.



These activities will be organised by the Local Sabhā groups shown at the end of this page. Sādhaka-s may  participate in as many as possible. Contact your Local Sabhā representative for details.

1. Sāmūhika Guru Pūjana (Online): every 4th Sunday of the month.

2. Abhivyakti and Vimarsha (Online): Alternating monthly with each other. Topics for Abhivyakti and Vimarsha will be provided by Shivasāyujyam team, as will be the facilitators for Vimarsha.3. Satsaṅga-s :  Organised by Team Shivasāyujyam for Uttar Bhārat Sāraswat groups and other Sādhaka-s.

4. Online Cultural programs: Sabhā-wise cultural programmes recorded will be premiered on our website at a scheduled date every month.





Download the PDF Shivasayujyam 2024 Stotra-s

॥ श्रीगुरुभजनस्तोत्रम्‌ ॥



Antaraṅgiṇi 4- vol 1:  Gurubhajana Stotram (Track #6)  ]LINK]

Shrī Gurubhajana Stotram: 
Download the PDF here: [LINK]




Antaraṅgiṇi 4- vol2: Dāridryadahanashiva Stotram (Track #3)  [LINK]

Dāridryadahanashiva Stotram: 
Download the PDF here:   [LINK]


॥ भवानीभुजङ्गप्रयातस्तोत्रम्‌ ॥



Antaraṅgiṇi 4- vol1: Bhavanī Bhujaṅga (Track #4)   [LINK]

Bhavānībhujaṅgaprayāta Stotram:  

Download the PDF here:  [LINK]



Watch the Instructional Video here:  [LINK]

Download the Instructional Book here  [LINK]