“ In seva the shishya is tested”

…but that is only to motivate the devotee to  correct oneself and use this lesson to move towards one’s True Self, feels Sandhya Nayel
(September 2021)

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A Long and Rewarding Spiritual Journey

ALKA LAJMI recalls all the memorable moments that have inspired and brought immense joy and fulfillment 
( KSA August 2021)

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“…from every moment, every movement…”

The Janma Divasa of our Beloved Parama Guru Parijnanashram Swamiji III falls on the 15th of this month. To commemorate this auspicious day we bring you Nandita Madhav’s sensitive account of many precious moments spent in the sacred Saanidhya of Guru Swami and how much she learnt             (June 2021)

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In this soulfully expressed piece reflecting immense gratitude and devotion ADITYA CHANDAVARKAR, Chief Co-ordinator of Yuvadhara describes his own journey as a sadhaka and why our Yuva-s love  their Friend, Guide, Counsellor and Mathadhipati- Parama Pujya Sadyojat Shankarasram Swamiji                  ( April 2021 )

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Shivloka at Mallapur

In this delightful account flagging off the many-splendoured plans for the year-long commemoration leading up to the sacred 25th anniversary of our Beloved Mathadhipati’s Peethaarohan, Gurumata SUDHAPACHI KODIKAL capsules the bliss that pervaded Chaturmasa 2019, making her feel she was in Shivloka at Mallapur!

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