In this heartwarming feature of our ‘Couple- in -Seva’ series, SHARAD and VARADA SOUKOOR share their stories and reach a common conclusion – that when Pujya Swamiji creates a new opportunity for you to do seva (April 2022)
In YUVASPEAK this time, we bring you a straight-from-the heart account of Bengaluru-based Ankita Karnad’s introduction to and then, total involvement in many Math-centric activities.. Her earnest prayer- (March 2022)
An insight into the planning for a 15-month ‘sadhanamaya’ programme for all the sadhaka-s across the globe by Dr. Chaitanya Gulvady – Coordinator, Team Sayujyam (February 2022)
In this edition of YUVASPEAK find out how MOHIT KARKAL feels that the Gurushakti empowers him to be an efficient professional and a devout sadhaka too (January 2022)
Mahesh Kalyanpurmam’s moving account reveals how his 24-year journey in seva has been at the root of his success in corporate life as wel (November 2021)