Lesson 13 B Answers to Lessons 13 A
1. Translated
बाणेन युद्धं न तु भाषणेन ज्ञानेन साधुः न तु वल्कलेन |
रथेन यात्रा न मनोरथेन श्रमेण विद्या न तु पुस्तकेन ||
A war (is fought) with an arrow, not (just by) talking about it.
A Sadhu (is considered to be a sadhu) not by the clothes ( he wears) but by the knowledge ( he possesses).
With a chariot (does) travel take place, not by daydreaming( about it)
With hard work (comes) knowledge not (just) by (possessing)a book.
2. The correct word chosen
• महेशः हस्तेन लिखति |
• जनकः मोदकौ मुखेन खादति |
• सुरेशः पुष्पे पश्यति |
3. Corrected
• चेतनं सह सचिनं गच्छामि | चेतनेन सह सचिनः गच्छति / चेतनेन सह अहं गच्छामि | depending upon whether you picked the verb or the subject first. Both correct.
• अहं विद्यालयैः गच्छति | अहं विद्यालयं गच्छामि |
• अश्वः पादाभ्यां धावति | अश्वः पादैः धावति |
• सः कन्दुकः सह खेलति | सः कन्दुकेन खेलति |
4. Translated.
1. There goes the old man. वृद्धः तत्र गच्छति |
2. He is walking. सः चलति |
3. He is walking with a stick. सः दण्डेन चलति |
4. You see the old man. त्वं वृद्धं पश्यसि |
5. You see the old man with one eye. त्वं नेत्रेण वृद्धं पश्यसि |
6. Now you see the old man with two eyes. अधुना त्वं नेत्राभ्यां वृद्धं पश्यसि |
7. Here are clothes. अत्र वस्त्राणि सन्ति |
8. I hold the clothes with my hand. अहं वस्त्राणि हस्तेन धरामि |
9. I wear the clothes. अहं वस्त्राणि धारयामि |
10. Amar is a man. अमरः नरः अस्ति |
11. He is running. सः धावति |
12. He runs with two legs. सः पादाभ्यां धावति |
13. He is running towards Ramesh. सः रमेशं प्रति धावति |
14. Now Amar and Ramesh are running towards the garden अधुना अमरः रमेशः च उद्यानं प्रति धावतः |
15. The two of you are writing. युवां लिखथः |
16. The two of you are writing with your two hands. युवां हस्ताभ्यां लिखथः |
17. Shiva is walking with Geeta, Surekha and Madhava. शिवः गीतया सह, सुरेखया सह, माधवेन सह च चलति |
18. The teacher is strolling with the student. अध्यापकः शिष्येण सह भ्रमति |
19. They see a boy. तौ बालकं पश्यतः |
20. He is playing with a stick. सः दण्डेन खेलति |
21. Shyam is playing with a ball. श्यामः कन्दुकेन खेलति |
22. Raghava is playing with a stick and a ball. राघवः दण्डेन कन्दुकेन च खेलति |
23. The thief is stealing the wealth with his hands. चोरः हस्ताभ्यां धनं चोरयति |
24. The father is beating the thief with a stick. जनकः दण्डेन चोरं ताडयति |
25. The thief throws the wealth. चोरः धनं क्षिपति |
26. The thief is running with his legs. चोरः पादाभ्यां धावति |
27. The father is also running with his legs . जनकः अपि पादाभ्यां धावति |
28. He throws the stick, holds the thief with his hand and beats the thief with his hands. सः दण्डं क्षिपति, चोरं हस्तेन धरति , चोरं हस्ताभ्यां ताडयति च |
29. The father holds the wealth and stick with his hands and goes home. जनकः हस्ताभ्यां धनं दण्डं च धरति गृहं गच्छति च |
Here We come to the end of month 2. Next lesson 13 C sums up month 2
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