Lesson 9 B. Answers to questions in Lesson 9 A

 1.  He is reading. सः पठति ।
 2.  He is laughing there.  सः तत्र  हसति।
 3.  The boy is going to school.   बालकः विद्यालयं गच्छति ।
 4.  Ram is going to the village.  रामः ग्रामं गच्छति ।
 5.  The king is going elsewhere.  नृपः अन्यत्र गच्छति ।
 6.  Where is the boy laughing?  बालकः कुत्र हसति ।
 7.  Ram and Ishwar are studying. रामः ईश्वरः च पठतः।
 8.  Ram is namaskaaring Ishwar.  रामः ईश्वरं नमति ।
 9.  The two are reading here. तौ अत्र पठतः।
10.  Two boys are laughing.   बालकौ  हसतः।
11.  Two men are going to the village. मनुष्यौ ग्रामं गच्छतः ।
12.  Two boys are going to school.  बालकौ  विद्यालयं गच्छतः ।
13.  All the boys are laughing.   बालकाः हसन्ति ।
14.  All the men are going to the village. मनुष्याः ग्रामं गच्छन्ति ।
15.  All the boys are namaskaaring Ram.   बालकाः रामं नमन्ति ।
16.  Ram is namaskaaring all the boys.  रामः बालकान् नमति ।



Corrected sentences.

1.  सः पठतः। सः पठति ।
2.  सः पठन्ति । ते पठन्ति ।
3.  तौ पठति ।  तौ पठतः ।
4.  ते पठति । ते पठन्ति ।
5.  बालकः हसन्ति । बालकः हसति ।
6.  सः गच्छन्ति । सः गच्छति ।
7.  रामः ग्रामः गच्छन्ति। रामः ग्रामं गच्छति ।
8.  ते किं पठति।  ते किं पठन्ति ।
9.  ते किम् पठन्ति । ते किं पठन्ति ।



How was the goin' ?


                                   Summing up Month 1.           

What you would have achieved at the end of Month 1.
•  When to use  म्  and when to use an अनुस्वार।
•  How to correctly write a word with अनुनासिक व्यञ्जन s.
•  How to correctly pronounce म्  or an अनुस्वार ending word depending
on what letter follows it.
•  That nouns and pronouns may be masculine, feminine or neuter.
•  That nouns, pronouns and verbs can be singular, dual or plural.
•  That all "same ending" masculine words are declined alike.
•  Ditto for same ending feminine words. Ditto neuter.
•  Suffixes have to be added to a verb root form to match the subject.
•  That nouns or pronouns have to be attached to a preposition before
they can be used.
•  That the subject is picked from the प्रथमा विभक्ति।
•  That the object is picked from the द्वितीया विभक्ति ।
•  That Sanskrit verbs are so familiar simply because we use them
everyday when speaking our own mother tongue.
•  That wherever is the place that one is going to, the place falls in the
द्वितीया विभक्ति । That is, it ends in a म् or an अनुस्वार ।
•  That अव्यय- s are words that do not change their form.

 And that's tremendous progress, if i do say so myself!

                                                                Now we go to the next lesson 9 C in second  Month.






Prev Lesson 9 A--- Exercises in sentence building. (Exercises ) Next Lesson 9 C--- By the way (Nouns and words)