Lesson 8 A . Reinforcing Vibhaktis.

I remember going into a complete tizzy when first introduced to the vibhakti idea. I asked more questions than a talkative four year old. Luckily for me, Tarangini had the patience of a growing pearl. Here is what I gathered in an oyster.

Take a look at the गम् present tense verb table Supplement 3. Besides the conjugations of the verb, the matching subject forms are also given. Ignore the verb forms and just concentrate on the subject forms. The table is broken horizontally into three पुरुष s. Divide the lot completely as so...









प्रथमः पुरुषः

Masculine Gender (पुंल्लिङ्गम् )

Feminine Gender (स्त्रीलिङ्गम् )

Neuter Gender (नपुंसकलिङ्गम् )


सः He

सा She

तत् It


तौ Two He s

ते Two She s

ते Two It s


ते Many He s

ताः Many She s

तानि Many It s






मध्यमः पुरुषः

त्वं / त्वम्


युवां / युवाम्

You two

यूयं / यूयम्

All of you





उत्तमः पुरुषः

अहं/ अहम्



We two

वयं / वयम्

All of us




Now let's concentrate on the प्रथमः  पुरुषः







 बहुवचनम्


प्रथमः पुरुषः      

सः He

रामः, हरिः, गुरुः

तौ Two He s ते Many He s




सा She 
रमा, मतिः, नदी



ते Two She s


ताः Many She s


तत् It

गृहम् , वनम्,

ते Two It s

तानि Many It s


At the risk of sounding terribly repetitious and boring..

1. The प्रथमः पुरुषः  accommodates every single noun and pronoun in the dictionary except for those of the मध्यमः पुरुषः  and the उत्तमः पुरुषः  .

2. Therefore, रामः गच्छति, गुरुः गच्छति, रमा गच्छति, माला गच्छति, गृहं गच्छति, वनं गच्छति ।

Just as there are अकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words like राम, बालक there are उकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words like गुरु, भानु (sun), शिशु (child), साधु and there are इकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words like कवि, हरि, गिरि

1. All अकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words are declined like, made to rhyme like, राम।

2. All उकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words are declined like गुरु।

3. All इकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words are declined like हरि ।

उकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words and इकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words are declined differently from अकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words BUT the most beautiful thing is that Sanskrit allows us the freedom to convert all words into अकारान्त पुंल्लिङ्ग words and decline them like राम । For instance, why not convert गुरु into गुरुदेव or maybe हरि into नारायण ? Makes conversation simple!

These antics are alright in the beginning but eventually we will have to learn all the forms of different words simply so that we may recognize them in shlokas and texts. (We'll take it easy... i shan't give you more than you can chew. And that's a promise.)

Similarly we have different ending feminine words and neuter words. All rhyming words are declined in the same manner. BUT

remember that a masculine word is rhymed with its masculine counterpart; a feminine one with its feminine rhyming counterpart; and a neuter with a neuter.

Just try and understand this concept. Things will become clearer as we proceed and i will keep explaining and repeating concepts for as long as you require me to.

Just hit the feedback button on our Sanskrit page, relate your woes and we'll provide instant relief! The Agony Aunts and Uncles here are a prompt lot.

See you next week!(  When we shall introduce "Avyayas" word forms that do not change -- Like Parabrahma? I heard     someone asking--)

                                                                                 Let us go on to Lesson 9 next week                              



Prev Lesson 8 ---- Insights into विभक्तिs ( विभक्तिs ) Next Lesson 9 ---- Of Caterpillars and Non Caterpillars (03 Avyayas Usage Continued)