Report on Kara Seva Shivir, 2024 at Shri Chitrapur Math, Shirali
By Srīkar MolahaĪĪi, Ᾱbhā KārkaĪ and Vais͟hṇav MuḍbhaṭkaĪ
॥ Oṁ Shrī Gurubhyo Namaḥ ॥
॥ Shrī Bhavānīshaṅkarāya Namaḥ ॥
॥ Shrī Mātre Namaḥ ॥
Participating in the Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h Kara Sevā Shivir from 22nd to 29th December, 2024 has been a deeply transformative and spiritually uplifting experience for us. It was a journey not just of physical service but also of inner growth, inspired by the divine Grace of our beloved Guru and Mat͟hādhīsha H.H. Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī and the vibrant community spirit of Chitrāpur, Shirālī.
Our Shivir began with H.H. Swāmījī’s inaugural Ᾱshīrvachana, a moment that filled every shivirārthī-s’ heart with immense gratitude and purpose. H.H. Swāmījī’s presence and divine words set the tone for the days to come, filling us with inspiration and devotion. He emphasized the importance of accountability and responsibility, essential traits that build strong leadership qualities among the Yuvā-s. H.H. Swāmījī reminded us of our vital role as the torch bearers of the community, entrusted with upholding and nurturing the values that have been passed down to us.
A particularly profound teaching during the Ᾱshīrvachana was H.H. Swāmījī’s emphasis on the act of praying to the setting Sun—C͟hāyā Nātha, the one who disperses all shadows. H.H. Swāmījī explained how the Sun, a symbol of divine energy and knowledge, is a constant source of light, hope, and positivity. In the same way that the Sun illuminates the world and removes the darkness, we were urged to pray for the Blessings that would dispel negativity and ignorance from our lives. H.H. Swāmījī’s words reminded us that through prayer and the Guru’s Grace, we can bring the light of knowledge and clarity into our minds, enabling us to walk on the path of righteousness and truth.
This invocation to the Sun was not merely symbolic but also a spiritual call to action. H.H. Swāmījī explained how our inner light—fueled by knowledge, humility, and devotion—has the power to illuminate the lives of those around us. His teachings inspired us to see sevā not just as an external act but as a means of spreading positivity and light within our community and beyond.
H.H. Swāmījī’s Ᾱshīrvachana left an indelible mark on each one of us, encouraging us to approach our responsibilities with devotion and discipline. His teachings on balance, accountability, and the transformative power of light became guiding principles as we embarked on our journey of sevā during the Shivir.

Saṁvit Sudhā Workshop
Our visit to the Saṁvit Sudhā fabric unit and paper products workshop was a testament to the self-sustaining ecosystem nurtured by the Mat͟h. Laks͟hmī Shiroor pāchī and Beenā Savkūr pāchī explained the process of how the workshop functions. The women workforce, hailing from villages around Chitrāpur and Shirālī, demonstrated immense dedication in creating eco-friendly products like bags, paper accessories, and books. Witnessing their meticulous craftsmanship filled us with admiration for their efforts to support the community sustainably.
Kara Sevā at Kembre

For three days, our group of 33 Yuvā-s immersed ourselves in farming activities at Kembre. The Yuvā-s were divided into three smaller groups. Under the guidance of Pawan Shirālī mām and his team we worked rigorously and completed tasks like:
1. De-weeding 2 acres of paddy crop.
2. Shifting 4000 bundles of hay to the Goshālā.
3. Winnowing 16 quintals of grains.
Each task brought us closer to understanding the challenges and joys of agrarian life. As the villagers expressed their gratitude, we felt a profound connection to the land and the cycle of nature that sustains us all.
Srivali High School Visit
The visit to Srivali High School was both inspiring and humbling. The students’ discipline and their flawless recitation of the Bhagawadgītā left us awestruck. The school, looked after with great care, serves as a beacon of hope and learning in the community. It was heartening to see the values of our tradition being nurtured in these young minds.
Clay Modeling
Engaging in clay modeling was a joyful experience where we molded clay with our hands, letting creativity flow. Sameer Kilpāḍy dādā and Kalyāṇī Kilpāḍy ākku showed us a step-by-step method of molding the clay to form a vigraha of Vighnahartā Shrī Gaṇesha.
A few days later, we painted the prepared clay models, adding value with vibrant colors and life to our creations. The process taught us patience and mindfulness, as every step required focus and dedication.
Conducted Meditation by H.H. Swāmījī
H.H. Swāmījī’s conducted meditation session, held early in the serene hours of the morning at Pañchavaṭī, was a cornerstone of our spiritual journey during the Shivir. H.H. Swāmījī detailed the physical and spiritual aspects of meditation during this session.
The calmness of Pañchavaṭī coupled with the presence of our Guru guiding us was a divine experience.
Gāyatrī Anus͟ht͟hāna / Devī Anus͟ht͟hāna
The male Shivirārthī-s performed Shrī Gāyatrī Anus͟ht͟hāna at the Mat͟h while the female shivirārthī-s performed Shrī’ Devī Anus͟ht͟hāna in the Dhyāna Mandir. This session helped us center ourselves, reminding us of the importance of maintaining inner calm amidst life’s chaos. H.H. Swāmījī’s guidance on offering our anxieties and challenges at the feet of the Guru brought immense solace to our hearts.
HMPP Visit
The visit to the Handmade Paper Products (HMPP) facility near Kembre left us in awe of the discipline and precision of the women workforce. Using recycled materials to create exquisite paper products, the facility embodies the principles of sustainability and meticulous craftsmanship.
Goshālā Visit
At the new Goshālā in Kembre, Dr. Gourīsh Paḍukoṇe mām introduced us to indigenous breeds of cows. For many of us from metropolitan cities, this was a rare and cherished experience. Spending time with the gentle calves and learning about the care and effort involved in nurturing them was deeply fulfilling.
The Parimochan project exemplifies the spirit of a true family—one where every member looks out for the well-being of others. Sheelā KumbĪe pāchī, CEO of Parimochan Federation, explained the foundation’s work in empowering women from the villages in and around Chitrāpur. We also got a chance to interact with Bhārathī Mañjunāth Nāik pāchī of Gurupāda Saṅgha, a beneficiary of the project. This project in Shirālī is a glowing example of how compassion and community can create lasting prosperity.
Slacklining and Juggling Sessions
The slacklining and juggling sessions by Oṁkār Dhāreshwar dādā were undoubtedly one of the most engaging and thought-provoking parts of the Shivir. On the surface, these activities seemed like fun and physically challenging exercises. However, as we delved into them under H.H. Swāmījī’s insightful guidance, we began to realize their deeper significance in our lives.
Slacklining, where we attempted to walk across a narrow, wobbly line suspended just above the ground, tested not only our physical balance but also our mental focus. Each step required us to let go of distractions, steady our breath, and keep our minds singularly focused on maintaining equilibrium. H.H. Swāmījī explained how this activity is a beautiful metaphor for life itself—teaching us to find balance amidst the chaos, stay grounded even when things around us seem unstable, and trust the process of moving forward, one careful step at a time.
The experience of slacklining also taught us how important it is to embrace failures as part of the learning process. Many of us stumbled, fell, and had to start over several times before finding the right rhythm. Yet, each fall was an opportunity to reflect, adjust, and persevere. H.H. Swāmījī’s gentle encouragement reminded us that life, too, will test our patience and resilience, but it is through these very challenges that we grow stronger and more centered.
The juggling sessions added another layer to this learning. As we practiced juggling multiple objects, we were reminded of the many responsibilities and priorities we often juggle in our daily lives. H.H. Swāmījī emphasized that the key to successful juggling—both during the activity of juggling as well as in life—is to maintain focus on the present moment while being aware of the rhythm and flow of everything around us. Letting go of stress and overthinking allowed us to find a sense of ease and joy in the process, even when things didn’t go perfectly.
These sessions also highlighted the importance of being mindful of our periphery—understanding when to focus intently on one thing and when to widen our awareness to include everything happening around us. This balance between concentration and peripheral vision is crucial not only in physical activities like slacklining and juggling but also in navigating the complexities of life.
H.H. Swāmījī’s profound teachings during these sessions left a lasting impression on all of us. We realized that true stability and focus come from within, and by cultivating a sense of calm and presence, we can gracefully handle the uncertainties and challenges that life presents. The lessons we learned on the slackline and through juggling are ones we will carry with us, serving as gentle reminders to find balance, embrace the flow, and approach life with steadiness and joy.
These activities, simple yet profound, became powerful tools for self-reflection and growth. They reminded us that with patience, determination, and the guidance of our Guru, we can overcome any obstacle and find harmony even amidst the most turbulent of times.
The Kara Sevā Shivir at Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h was more than an opportunity to serve—it was a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and spiritual awakening. Guided by H.H. Swāmījī’s Grace, we learned the profound importance of sevā, balance, and accountability in our lives. As we reflect on this transformative experience, our heart is filled with gratitude for our vibrant community and the divine energy that binds us all.
The Shivir reminded us that with our Guru’s Blessings, no challenge is insurmountable, and no service is too small. Together, as a community, we can achieve boundless growth, prosperity, and harmony.