The Portico - Shri Chitrapur Math, Shirali

Article written by – Deepa Murdeshwar

Section A
    ‘Shrī Kṛs͟hṇāshram Prāsādaḥ’
    A peep into the past
    His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī’s address to the samāja

Section B
    Shiva Saṅkalpa
    The four pillars and the upper storey of the portico
    Pratishthā of the Pravesha Dwāra
    His Holiness Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī’s address to the samāja

Section C
    An overview of the dismantling and reconstruction process for the 
portico renovation
a. Dismantling 
b. Reconstruction

 Section D
    Team Portico
    Credits

      Section E
    Pravesha Dwāra Udghāṭana – Photographs from Shrī Chitrāpur Rathotsava and Shrī Hanumān Jayantī on Chaitra Shuddha Pūrṇimā, 23rd April 2024.


    ‘Shrī Kṛs͟hṇāshram Prāsādaḥ’

‘॥ श्री कृष्णाश्रम प्रासादः॥’, the inscription on a marble plaque on the upper storey of the portico, is well recognised by all which is above four stone pillars, which catch one’s attention, as soon as one enters Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h at Shirālī. 

It was constructed in 1936 as part of the larger Mat͟h reconstruction program that began in 1933. It warmly welcomes everyone who enters the Mat͟h.

In the early 1930s, His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī commenced His yātrā-s to establish samparka with the samāja. It was probably around the same time, that the portico at the entrance to Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h in Shirālī, with its four stone pillars at the Pravesha Dwāra was built.


The Mat͟h before the outer Chandrashālā reconstruction of 1936.



Photo of the reconstructed Chandrashālā-s, ‘Shrī Kṛs͟hṇāshram Prāsādaḥ’, bearing the name of His Holiness Shrīmat Kṛs͟hṇāshram Swāmījī, the Parama Guru of His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī. It was declared open by His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī on 5th April 1936.


An undated picture taken between 1959 and 1973.
The portico balcony now has a roof!


    A peep into the past…

Long ago, on 28th December 1933, the Standing Committee of the Mahāsabhā of Chitrāpur Sāraswat-s met at Shirālī, chaired by Rāo Bahādur Shrī S.S.Tālmakī. Amongst other important resolutions that were proposed and unanimously passed, was one for the immediate reconstruction of the outer Chandrashālā-s, what we call the portico today. In this meeting, it was decided to reduce the expenditure by using reinforced concrete and making suitable alterations without impairing the stability of the structure.

By June 1934, the old structure was dismantled with the exception of parts of the outer walls. 

The bidding process - A tender notice was issued thereafter in the Kănarā Sāraswat Association magazine of September 1934. 

Bids were invited for the work of reconstruction of the front Chandrashālā-s of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, Shirālī in North Kănarā district. The tenders superscribed, ‘Reconstruction of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h in sealed covers were to be sent to the President of the supervising board of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, Shirālī. They were to be received upto 6:00 p.m. of 12th October 1934. These sealed covers were to be opened and evaluated at Shirālī at 9:00 a.m. on 13th October 1934. Copies of the plans, specifications, and schedules of quantities together with the tender agreement forms and any other particulars could be procured from the Chief executive officer Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, Shirālī, on a non-refundable payment of Rs 3/- per set to be paid either in person or by money order. 

Directives regarding work to be started not later than 1st January 1935 and the plinth to be completed by 31st March, 1935 were specified, while the rest of the work was to start in the beginning of October 1935 and was to be completed by 31st March, before the car festival or Rathotsava of 1936! For the reconstruction of Chandrashālā-s, the tender of Shrī Srīnivās Sheṭṭy was accepted.

The foundation stone of the new Chandrashālā-s at Shirālī was laid by His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī on the morning of the 28th of December 1934 in the presence of members of the Standing Committee and a number of local gentlemen. 

The work of the new Chandrashālā-s at Shirālī was completed within the estimated cost of Rs 20,000/- after fervent requests and appeals in print and speeches for co-operation were made by the President of the Standing Committee of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, Shri H. Shaṅkar Rāu to the laity to contribute towards the reconstruction fund. 


The invitation of the opening ceremony of the reconstructed Chandrashālā-s of Shrī Chitrāpur Math at Shirālī in the KSA magazine of February 1936.


    His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī’s address to the samāja!

The formal opening ceremony of the new Chandrashālā-s took place on 5th April 1936, the day preceding the date of Shrī Chitrāpur Rathotsava. The ceremony took place in the outer courtyard of the Mat͟h, the Rājāṅgaṇa, before an assembly of about 800 people at 10:30 a.m. The President, H. Shaṅkar Rāu and members of the Standing Committee escorted His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī to a dais, near the main entrance. 

A marble plaque with the inscription, ‘॥श्री कृष्णाश्रम प्रासादः॥॥श्री चित्रापुर मठः॥

॥ शकाब्दा १८५८॥’, was installed on the front wall of the balcony above the portico to commemorate the centenary year of the initiation of His Holiness Shrīmat Kṛs͟hṇāshram Swāmījī as Shis͟hya. 

It was named ‘Shrī Kṛs͟hṇāshram Prāsādaḥ’ by His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī.

The President, Shrī H. Shaṅkar Rāu then requested His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī to declare open the building. 

After performing the opening ceremony, His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī delivered a short address in the course of which He said that He looked upon the structure as a token of selfless love and devotion of His disciples and expressed the hope that the laity would continue to co-operate with the Mat͟h and ensure its financial stability in order that the Mat͟h might be free to look after the spiritual welfare of the community more effectively than was hitherto possible.

    Shiva Saṅkalpa


History doesn’t vanish behind us, in oblivion. It is a living entity, which helps us understand how events in the past made things the way they are today.

Years later, H.H. Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī, the present Mat͟hādhipati of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, observed that the Daiva-s, Gaṇa-s, and Ks͟hetrapāla are responsible for the protection and preservation of the Daivik energy of the Mat͟h. These Daiva-s attend on Lord Bhavānīshaṅkar, the presiding deity, the Ārādhya Devatā of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h. 

The Swastika-s seen on the floors of the Mat͟h Prākāra represent the Shivagaṇa-s and are propitiated daily with Tīrthāks͟hata-samproks͟haṇa. This involves an offering of sacred water mixed with unbroken rice grains or Aks͟hata-s with specific mantra-s chanted by the Vaidika-s which immensely pleases the Shivagaṇa-s.

Studies suggested that, in keeping with our Smārta tradition, the four pillars of the Portico should bear sculpted images congruous to this Shiva sthāna – a charged ks͟hetra!

H.H. Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī, after prayers to Lord Bhavānīshaṅkar, and the hallowed Guruparamparā, decided to have the portico of Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h at Shirālī reconstructed with pillars featuring engravings that reflected our tradition while maintaining absolute sanctity.

Shrī Durgesh Chandāvarkar mām proactively expressed his desire to take up this responsibility and sponsor the entire project. His better half, Smt. Nandinī Chandāvarkar pāchī eagerly gave her nod of approval. 

Consequently, on January 1st 2024, in the Divine presence of Lord Bhavānīshaṅkar, the Guruparamparā and Pūjya Swāmījī, the Vaidika-s of our Mat͟h offered prārthanā-s and performed the Puṇyāha vāchana and Sthapati pūjana with Vedic rituals, to ensure a pure and auspicious start. 


‘Sthapati pūjana’ involves invoking the Divine Architect whilst offering prayers to the architect’s tools, which play a crucial role in constructing a temple. 


All the architectural, structural, Vāstu and Shāstrika norms have been adhered to, repeatedly reviewed and checked during the process of planning and construction. Extreme caution was taken to ensure that, despite the portico being an independent element, the stability of the main structure would not be compromised.

In less than three months, under the keen, watchful eye of Parama Pūjya Swāmījī, the new Pravesha Dwāra was ready for the Pratis͟ht͟hā!




The four pillars and the upper storey of the portico





Each of the four pillars at the entrance to Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h in Shirālī, was crafted from a single block of grey granite, using credible reference diagrams and sketches, to sculpt intricately carved high relief sculptures of the Gaṇa-s of Shiva. 

 Each pillar extends four feet below ground level into a concrete foundation which goes down a further three feet. This is to provide a stable base for each pillar and ensure that the pillars do not sink in future. This provided stability to the existing structure.

It was then the time for the new pillars to be lifted into position! Each pillar, carved from a single grey granite stone, stands 14 feet high, a girth of 27 inches, and weighs 3,644 kilograms.





Engraved on the pillar on the front left is the Raudra Gaṇa of Shiva, Shrī Vīrabhadra, whilst the pillar on the front right, has Shrī Kālabhairava. 

Both these Gaṇa-s of Shiva are associated with His intense energy and power.



The Dwārapāla-s of Shiva representing protection and benevolence, have been sculpted on the rear pillars - Shrī Parashupāṇi, adorning the left pillar, while Shrī Shūlapāṇi, is on the right. The presence of these forms at the main entrance suggests their role in guarding and protecting the sacred recincts of our holy Mat͟h




With due honour and respect, the earlier four pillars have been suitably placed at the Shrīmat Parijñānāshram Vastu Saṅgrahālaya, our own beautiful museum, at Shirālī. 


 The concrete flooring of the upper storey of the portico has now been replaced with a grey granite slab which bears a beautifully engraved design on the lower side.


Lining the border of the upper storey is a wooden balustrade, topped by a wooden rail with seasoned, polished, pure Sāgwān or teak wood, coated with polyurethane sealer to protect it from harsh weather elements. 



The plaque encased in an ornate, polished frame made of pure Sāgwān or teak wood
is fixed firmly in its original place.



    Pratishthā of the Pravesha Dwāra

On Chaitra Shuddha Pūrṇimā, Shālivāhana Shaka -1946, the Pravesha Dwāra, the portico was inaugurated at the Divine Hands of His Holiness Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī, on the joyous occasion of Shrī Chitrāpur Rathotsava and Shrī Hanumān Jayantī, on 23rd April 2024.

Could it then be a mere coincidence, that this day coincides with the day when the Pravesha Dwāra Chandrashālā of Shrī Chitrāpur Math, Shirālī was reconstructed and inaugurated on 5th April 1936, a day prior to Shrī Chitrāpur Rathotsava at the Karakamala of His Holiness Shrīmad Ānandāshram Swāmījī?

The renovation of the portico at Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h, Shirālī, is not a mere reconstruction. This is an expression, a manifestation of our beloved Gurus’ Anugraha! The inauguration of the portico is a tangible Prasāda of our Guruvarya-s and a joyous recognition of the Shiva Saṅkalpa. 


    His Holiness Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī’s address to the samāja

His Holiness Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī affirms, 

“गुरु हमारे लक्ष्य, गुरु हमारे पथ, गुरु हमारे पथप्रदर्शक, हमारे एक कदम आगे चलनेवाली गुरुशक्ति है…” 

So let us open ourselves to be guided by none other than the Gurushakti. 
Let us willingly be His instruments and with a correct orientation, courageously, joyously, meaningfully offer our all at His Lotus Feet!

To our Mat͟h, Guru and Guruparamparā, our humble praṇāma-s and eternal gratitude for giving us an opportunity and making it happen.


    An overview of the dismantling and reconstruction process for the 
portico renovation

a.    Dismantling: This involved the following activities…



1.    Dismantling of the tiles and roof of the first floor of the portico.



2.Transitional shifting of the Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h logo signboard.


3.Careful dislodging of the plaque embedded in cement-concrete,
on the front wall of the first floor.


4.Removal of the four concrete pillars on the first floor



5.Removal of the slab of the first floor of the portico






6. Meticulous displacement of the historic stone-sculpted pillars.

7.Transport and placement of the pillars at the Shrīmat Parijñānāshram Vastu Saṅgrahālaya, Shirālī.

b.    Reconstruction: This involved the following major activities…


1.    Excavation to a depth of seven and a half feet below ground level for each of the four new pillars.
2.    Casting and curing of concrete foundation for the four new granite pillars
3.    Installation of the four granite pillars.
4.    Installation of a granite floor at the entrance.

5.    Installation of a textured granite floor, wooden pillars
and beams on the first floor of the portico.



6.    An intricate Navaraṅga maṇḍapa carved out of pure Sāgwān or
seasoned teak, polished and installed on the ceiling of the first floor of the portico.



1.    Carved polished woodwork on the first floor.




2.    Installation of the original marble plaque ‘Shrī Kṛs͟hṇāshram Prāsādaḥ’
encased in an ornate, polished frame made of pure Sāgwān
or teak wood and fixed firmly in its original place.



3.    Installation of an exquisitely carved Navaraṅga maṇḍapa in the ceiling of the portico.


10.    Installing intricately carved frames
for the two doors at the main entrance of the Mat͟h


(a) Installation of the Navaraṅga maṇḍapa on the ceiling
of the main entrance to the Mat͟h.


(b) Installation of the second Navaraṅga maṇḍapa on the ceiling of the
entrance to the Mat͟h with carvings of Ashṭadikpāla-s with their
weapons who are said to rule the eight
directions of the universe. 



12.    Installation of the distinctive
Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h logo and polishing of the Dhwajastambha


13.    Installation of bright red paver blocks in the Rājāṅgaṇa
with laying of communication cable ducts for future use.


14.    Cladding of coconut tree beds with Kaḍappā stone and textured
granite on the top to reduce heating up in the open.


15.    Replacement of the old main gate with a new foldable stainless-steel gate.


16.    Cladding of existing concrete steps at the main gate
with textured granite to prevent slipping


17.    Replacing the beams and rafters of the first-floor roof with
new ones made from pure Rañjālu and Matti wood and painting
the tiles on the anterior roof of the Mat͟h with fresh Nippon paint.





18.    Placing concrete pipe sleeves below the ground to facilitate smooth erection and
removal of the Rathotsava paṇḍāl every year, without damaging the paver blocks.





19.    Cladding of existing concrete steps with textured granite
to prevent slipping at the Shivagaṅgā Sarovara.



20.    Chandeliers are installed in the portico and its upper storey to add an aesthetic
touch, enhance the ambience, and provide lighting.


    Team Portico

Shrī Durgesh Chandāvarkar - Once again Durgesh mām generously contributed towards, sponsored and oversaw the entire portico project from start to finish as an offering during the S͟has͟hṭitama-abdaprāpti-utsavaḥ of our beloved Guru, His Holiness Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī. 

Durgesh mām’s resourcefulness, decision making and strategizing abilities, his excellent networking skill sets were vital in building the right team and directing the outcome of this project to ensure its successful completion while meeting a tight deadline.


Shrī Gautam Paḍukoṇe - He was the main coordinator and the supervisor for the Pravesha Dwāra programme management and connected projects. With a strong mechanical engineering background, Gautam mām possesses sound technical skills with accurate mathematical analysis.

His time management and multitasking skills help him prioritize tasks while maintaining boundaries, when handling multiple assignments at crucial times, to achieve goals effectively within the target time.


Shrī Aṇṇappā Nāik headed the Portico Pillars team of sculptors. 


Shrī Chetan Sheṭ, proprietor, Mahālasā Handicrafts, Kumṭā, headed the woodwork artistry team.


    Credits

    References and Excerpts - His Holiness Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī’s Ᾱshīrvachana-s and ‘Swāmījī’s Messages’ section on Shrī Chitrāpur Mat͟h website.
    Inputs and photographs – Dr. Chaitanya Gulvāḍy, Gautam Paḍukoṇe, Durgesh Chandāvarkar, Shāntīsh Nāyel, Ved. HaĪdīpur Nāgesh Bhaṭ, Gaurī Shaṅkar Bhaṭ, Jyothi Bharat Divgī, Team SCM website, Naren NaimpaĪĪy, Nārāyaṇ KaḍĪe and Dinesh Kārkaḹ.
    Research team - Shāntīsh Nāyel, Nanditā Mādhav, Kavitā Kārnāḍ, Vibhā Kailāje and Team SCM website.
    Sources and Images Courtesy - Kanara Saraswat Association Magazine, 50 Years of Bliss (1965, H. Shankar Rao), A Chitrapur Saraswat Retrospect (1955, K Guru Dutt), Shrī Chitrāpur Rathotsava (2011, SCM Publications).
    Article written by – Deepā Murḍeshwar.

    Photographs of the Pravesha Dwāra Udghāṭana on Chaitra Shuddha Pūrṇimā, on the joyous occasion of Shrī Chitrāpur Rathotsava and Shrī Hanumān Jayantī, on 23rd April 2024.


































Oṁ Namaḥ Pārvatīpataye Hara Hara Mahādeva!
Shrī Bhavānīshaṅkar Mahādeva kī Jai!