Tercentenary Trishata - Sahasra Gāyatrī Japa Anushthāna
NOTE: This article was witten before Anushthāna was initiated.
As part of the Tercentenary commemoration activities of Shrī Chitrāpur Math, it is proposed to perform Trishata Sahasra Gāyatrī Japa Anushthāna during the Tercentenary year by at least 1000 Chitrāpur Sāraswat-s who have been bestowed with the Brahmopadesham [Gāyatrī Mantra] at their Upanayanam ceremony, for a period of 300 days- that is to do japa of one mālā [108 beads] for 300 times during the course of the 365 days from 15th February 2008 to 14th February 2009, with a specific saṅkalpa for the welfare of our samāja under the continued guidance of our sacred Guruparamparā.
As part of the Tercentenary commemoration activities of Shri Chitrapur Math, it is proposed to perform Trishata-Sahasra Gayatri Japa Anushthan during the Tercentenary year by at least 1000 Chitrapur Saraswats who have been bestowed with the Brahmopadesham [Gayatri Mantra] at their Upanayanam ceremony, for a period of 300 days- that is to do Japa of one Mala [108 beads] for 300 times during the course of the 365 days from 15th February 2008 to 14th February 2009, with a specific sankalpa for the welfare of our Samaj under the continued guidance of our sacred Guru Parampara.
A Japa of a minimum of one Mala [108 beads] of Gayatri Mantra is to be done every day by us, in addition to our daily Japa, thus arriving at a total of 300 Malas during the year culminating on 14th February, 2009.
This sacred programme commenced with a Samudayik Sankalpa at Shri Chitrapur Math, Shirali, in the august presence of His Holiness Shrimad Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji on the 15th of February,2008, initiated soon after the arrival and installation of the Guru Jyoti at the Shri Parijnaan Paduka Sannidhi.
Those who have registered, are expected to do the Gayatri Anushthana regularly from this day onwards. A booklet detailing the complete sequence of the Anushthana was released by Poojya Swamiji at Andheri, Mumbai on Sunday 6th January 2008. Copies have been given to all participants free of cost. In this booklet, there is also a format of Japa Record for the convenience of the Sadhakas. This will help greatly to reassure them that they are able to muster the discipline and thereby the time to do the Anushthana without fail and that joy will give a great boost to their individual Sadhana.
It is heartening to note that we have received very good response for this Tercentenary event of Gayatri Anushthana. As on 10th January 2008, the number of Sadhakas registered is 1085 [ including 32 from Canada,USA,UK and Australia]. The number is still going up as more and more persons are eager to participate in this Anushthana , thereby becoming part of the joyful Tercentenary celebration of our Math. If you have not registered so far, you are welcome to do so now and join this holy Anushthan.