Southern Sojourn with Guru Swami
By Kishore Kulkarni

and H.H Shrīmat Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī
While at Koḍungal̄l̄ūr, which has a Shrī Bhagavatī Temple which is famous for it’s Bharaṇī festival, the main Priest seeing Swāmījī not only offered Sās͟hṭāṅga Praṇāma-s, but also requested Him to perform the Sevā and Ārati to Devī Bhadrakālī, which is a very rare thing. Our interpreter mentioned to us that only the main Priest is allowed to perform the Pūjā and nobody else!
Another memorable experience is, when Swāmījī was in Khār Mat͟h, Mumbaī. Once when I went for darshana and was sitting with Swāmījī, he asked me to stay back. In the course of the conversation that followed, Swāmījī’s secretary knocked on the door, and came in to announce that someone had come to meet Swāmījī. Swāmījī asked him to let the Sādhaka in. At that moment, I opted to go out but Swāmījī asked me not to leave. The person visiting was an industrialist who had come for darshana and blessings. He left some Pādakāṇika which was in a big brown envelope and left with a smile – satisfaction on his face and Prasāda in his hand. Swāmījī then placed the envelope in the safe. After that He smiled and told me “I am doing a postman’s job”. At that time, I did not understand what Swāmījī meant. Swāmījī told me with a serious face, that a person is going to visit after half an hour, who is going through a very tough time, to seek blessings and guidance, for which He had not received any phone call, nor was His secretary aware of it. It was conveyed to the secretary that a person will arrive in half an hour and to let the person in. So, after sometime a person came sobbing and we could hear him. He expressed his wish to meet with Swāmījī as his family was in distress. Swāmījī then asked the secretary to let the person in. The moment the person entered the room, he fell at Swāmījī’s feet, sobbing loudly. And after Swāmījī offered him water and made him comfortable, the person wasted no time and explained that his wife was in a serious condition in hospital, and only Swāmījī’s blessings would save her life. Swāmījī immediately got up and took out the brown envelope from the cupboard, offered the envelope with Phalamantrāks͟hata - Prasāda and blessed the person saying “Bhavānīshaṅkar Devu bare Kartalŏ, āni āmmi Swāmyalāggi prārthanā kellyā.” After the person left, Swāmījī looked at me with a sense of satisfaction on His face and said “now you understand what I said before”. After this incident, Swāmījī also told me that the same person will be back in three days to say that his wife is well, has been discharged from hospital, and is back home.
That’s why we always address the Guru as “SADGURU MĀULI”. My Koṭi Koṭi Praṇāma-s at the Lotus Feet of H.H. Parijñānāshram Swāmījī III and H. H. Sadyojāt Shaṅkarāshram Swāmījī, for giving me this opportunity to share these amazing experiences. I always feel blessed and emotional when I remember the time I spent with Swāmījī.