Lesson 70. उपपद/कारक -विभक्तिः सप्तमीविभक्तिः  Level 2. The seventh vibhakti.

पद / धातुः      1. The place in or on which an action takes place.
     2. The Locative is used to denote the time when an action has taken place.
     3. The Locative also has the sense of 'towards', 'about',
         'as to'.
     4. With adjectives in the superlative degree.
     5. Words expressing an interval in time or space is put in either the Ablative or Locative.
     6. Words in lexicons are expressed in this vibhakti to mean 'in the sense of.'
     7. The Locative is sometimes used to denote the object or purpose for which anything is done.
     8. Words meaning 'to act', ' to behave', ' to deal with'.
     9. Words signifying 'love', 'attachment', 'respect' such as स्निह् govern the Locative of the person or thing for whom or which the love is  shown.
   10. Words indicating a cause or effect are often put in the Locative.


पद / धातुः      11. The root यज्  and its derivatives in the sense of 'to' in English.
     12. Words expressing fitness and suitability with the nouns regarding which the fitness is expressed are put into the Locative or Genitive.
     13. The recipient to whom anything is entrusted or imparted is in the Locative.
     14. Words implying to 'seize' or 'strike' govern the Locative of what is seized or struck.
     15. Words like क्षिप् ,मुच् ,अस्  having the sense of 'throwing' or 'darting' govern the Locative of that against which anything is thrown.
     16. Words implying belief and confidence (except for श्रद्धा , which governs the accusative) govern the Locative of that which the belief is  placed in.
     17. Words like अधीतिन् 'who has learned', गृहीतिन् 'who has comprehended', govern the Locative of that which forms their object. And साधु  and असाधु  of that towards whom goodness or otherwise is shown.
     18. Words like व्यापृत, आसक्त , व्यग्र , तत्पर   having the sense of 'engaged in', ' intent on' and कुशल , निपुण , शौण्ड ,पटु , प्रवीण ,पण्डित meaning  'skilfull' and  धूर्त , कितव  meaning 'a rogue' are used in the Locative.
     19. The words प्रसित  and उत्सुक meaning 'greatly desirous of',  'longing for' govern the Locative or the Instrumental.
     20.  अप + राध्   in the sense of 'to  offend' governs the Locative  and the Genitive.
पद  / धातुः
   सप्तमी विभक्तिः is called अधिकरण or the Locative case

• The place in or on which an action takes place.
   वर्गे छात्राः पठन्ति  | The students study in class.
• The Locative is used to denote the time when an action has taken place
   प्रभाते तस्याः जपम् | Her japa is done in the morning.
• The Locative also has the sense of 'towards', 'about', 'as to'
   मयि मा तीक्ष्णा | Do not be severe towards me.
• With adjectives in the superlative degree
  बालकेषु रामः श्रेष्ठः |  Amongst the boys, Ram is the best.
• Words expressing an interval in time or space are put in either the Ablative or Locative.
  अस्मिन्  दिने भुक्त्वा सः  दिनत्रयात् खादिष्यति | Having eaten today, he will eat after three days.
 अस्मिन्  दिने भुक्त्वा सः  दिनत्रये खादिष्यति | Having eaten today, he will eat after three days.
  अत्र उपविश्य सः क्रोशात्  खगं पश्यति | Sitting here he sees the bird at a distance of one Krosha.
 अत्र उपविश्य सः क्रोशे खगं पश्यति | Sitting here he sees the bird at a distance of one Krosha.
• Words in lexicons are expressed in this vibhakti to mean 'in the sense of.'
  बाणो बलिसुते शरे (अमरकोशः ) Bana in the sense of 'the son of Bali' and 'arrow.'
• The Locative is sometimes used to denote the object or purpose for which anything is done.
  चर्मणि द्विपिनं हन्ति दन्तयोर्हन्ति कुञ्जरम्  | केशेषु चमरीं हन्ति  सीम्नि  पुष्कलको हतः | Man kills the tiger for skin, the elephant for tusks, the Chamari for hair and the musk deer for musk.



• Words meaning 'to act', ' to behave', ' to deal with'.
  कथं सः मयि व्यवहरति | Oh! How does he deal with me!
• Words signifying 'love', 'attachment', 'respect' are governed by  the Locative of the person or the thing for whom or for which love is shown.
  माता बालिकायां  स्निह्यति | The mother loves the girl.
• Words indicating a cause or an effect are often put in the Locative.
   वृष्टिः एव  समृद्ध्यां (samruddhyaam)   कारणम् |  Rain alone is the cause for prosperity.
• The root  यज् and its derivatives in the sense of  'to',  in English attract सप्तमी as follows:
  सः तम् आश्रमधर्मे नियुक्ते | He appoints him to the duties of the ashram.
• Words expressing fitness and suitability, with the nouns regarding which the fitness is expressed,  are put into the Locative or in Genitive.
  एतद्  कार्यं त्वयि युक्तम्  | This job is suitable for you.
• The recipient to whom anything is entrusted or imparted, is in the Locative. (तृ with वि  is also used with the Dative.)
  वितरति माता विद्यां बालकेषु | The mother imparts knowledge to the children.
• Words implying to ' seize' or to 'strike' govern the Locative of what is seized or struck.
  हस्ते गृहीत्वा seizing by the hand.
• Words like क्षिप्, मुच्,अस्   having the sense of 'throwing' or 'darting', govern the Locative of that, against which, anything is thrown.
  क्रौञ्चेषु पाषाणखण्डानि अक्षिपत् | Threw stones at the cranes.
• Words implying belief and confidence (except for श्रद्धा which governs the accusative) govern the Locative of that, of which the belief is placed in.
  देवे विश्वसिति कुत्र अभक्तः ? When does a non-devotee ever believe in God?



•  Words like अधीतिन्  " who has learned", गृहीतिन् "who has comprehended" govern the Locative of that which forms their object.
 अधीती वेदेषु | He who is well versed in the Vedas.
 गृहीती संस्कृतव्याकरणे | He who has mastered Sanskrit grammar.
When साधु  or असाधु are used, that towards whom goodness or otherwise is shown is governed by सप्तमी.
 गुरौ साधु | Well behaved towards his Guru.
 गुरौ असाधु | Ill behaved towards his Guru.
• When words like व्यापृत, आसक्त, व्यग्र, तत्पर   having the sense of 'engaged in', ' intent on' and words like  कुशल, निपुण, शौण्ड, पटु, प्रवीण,पण्डित meaning 'skilfull' and  words like धूर्त , कितव  meaning 'a rogue' are used, सप्तमी is used as follows: 
  सः पूजायां व्यापृतः, आसक्तः, व्यग्रः, तत्परः |   He is absorbed in the worship (of the Lord).
  सः धनुर्विद्यायां कुशलः, निपुणः, शौण्डः,पटुः, प्रवीणः, पण्डितः | He is skilfull in archery.
  व्यवसाये सः  धूर्तः, कितवः |  He is a rogue in matters relating to business.
• The words प्रसित  and उत्सुक  meaning 'greatly desirous of', 'longing for' govern the Locative or the Instrumental.
  भोजने (भोजनेन ) उत्सुकः | Longing for a meal.
भोजने विश्रामे प्रसितः च / भोजनेन विश्रामेण प्रसितः च  | Longing for a meal and rest.
• राध् + अप  in the sense of 'to  offend' governs the Locative  and the Genitive.
  कस्मिन्नपि पूजार्हे अपराधा शकुन्तला | Shakuntala has offended someone deserving respect.
  अपराद्धोऽस्मि तत्रभवतः कण्वस्य | I have offended Kanva.



And that covers all the vibhaktis.

Source of reference for lessons 65-70:  Shri Vaman Shivram Apte's 'A Student's guide to Sanskrit Composition.' Publishers- Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, 28th edition 2002.

                                                          Thus ends the Karaka Prakaranam We go to सति सप्तमी  सतः षष्ठी च in Lesson 71


Prev Lesson 69 ----- उपपद विभक्ति षष्ठीविभक्तिः Level 2. The sixth vibhakti. (Level 2. The sixth vibhakti.) Next Lesson 71 ----- सति सप्तमी सतः षष्ठी च ( सति सप्तमी सतः षष्ठी च )