Lesson 15 A. Exercises with the Chaturthi Vibhakti.

NOTE: The verbs and avyayas that are used specifically with the चतुर्थी विभक्ति have already been discussed in lesson 15. Any new verbs that you will find in Lesson 15 A can be used with other vibhaktis as well. They need not be used with the चतुर्थी विभक्ति  alone. They have been introduced here simply to build your vocabulary.

  Nouns   Verbs      Avyayas.
           कृषकः farmer M        वप् ( वपति )  sow         नमः
           ब्राह्मणः Brahmin M        क्रन्द्  (क्रन्दति ) cry         स्वस्ति
          आपणिकः shopkeeper M
          मोक्षः  Liberation M
          प्रासादः palace M
          धान्यम् grain N
      क्रुध्  ( कृध्यति ) angry
      कुप्  (कुप्यति) angry
      कथ् (कथयति) tell
      दा (यच्छति ) give
       यत्  that -- as in the sentences:
       He says that
       I think that...
          दुग्धम् milk N
          बीजम् seed N
      आ+नी (आनयति) bring         अतः Therefore
          स्नानम् bath N

          पठनम्  study N
          स्नानगृहम् bathroom N
          सुखम् happiness N    
          दुःखम् unhappiness N
          लज्जा shame F
          सस्यम्  crop.N




Please do a quick revision of all the lessons done so far before you attempt to translate the passages. Pay special attention to the pronouns or else they are sure to trip you up. (When i was first introduced to those pronouns, i not only tripped but fell flat on my face. Don't want you to suffer the same fate. Believe me, it's positively boring to go through life with a flattened nose. There's nothing left of it to poke into someone else's business.)

Okey, dokey? Shall we begin?


 1. This brahmin wants wealth.
 2. Therefore he goes to the temple.
 3. He does namaskaar to God.
 4. He says, " Salutations to this God! I want wealth," so.
 5. That God tells that brahmin that, "Kings give wealth to brahmins , I give liberation to devotees."
 6. Then that God does not look at that brahmin.
 7. He looks elsewhere.
 8. That is God.
 9. Is that brahmin  getting angry with Him?
10. No.
11. He thinks, "I am going to the king for wealth," so.
12. Now that brahmin  does not wait  but goes to that palace.
13. He does namaskaar to the king and says, " Salutations to this King!
14. I do not want unhappiness.
15. Therefore, for happiness, I want wealth."
16. That king gives that brahmin wealth.
17. He gives him clothes too.
18. Now that brahmin becomes a rich man.
19. He always lives with happiness. (what i mean is ...he lives in comfort!)
20. The farmer sees that brahmin.
21. He thinks that I also want wealth.
22. But I am not going to that king for wealth.
23. I am sowing seeds for grain.
24. When people buy those grains with wealth, then I am also becoming a rich man.
25. The girl is crying.
26. The boy asks her, " Are you crying?" ..thus.
27. That girl says, "Yes. I am crying for milk."
28. Then that boy goes to the kitchen.
29. He sees milk there.
30. He brings milk for that girl.
31. He gives her milk.
32. She laughs.
33. He also laughs with her.
34. Those boys are playing with those bats and  those balls.
35. Ram beats Shyam with  that bat.
36. Shyam falls.
37. He becomes angry with Ram.
38. Therefore, he also beats him.
39. Now Ram falls.
40. War happens (yipes!).
41. Father comes.
42. He tells  all the boys, " I am angry with these two boys."
43. They (dual) cry with shame.
44. With Father, they (dual) go home.
45. Then Ram goes to the bathroom for a bath.
46. Afterwards Shyam goes to that bathroom for a bath.
47. The shopkeeper goes to the shop.
48. When he enters the shop, then he sees a thief.
49. He gets angry with that thief.
50. He says to him that all the people too come here.
51. But they buy grain or cloth or books with wealth.
52. But you are a thief.
53. You enter the shop and steal grain, cloth, books and wealth.
54. You are a bad man.
55. Then that shopkeeper beats that thief with a stick.
56. People run towards the shop.
57. Now on all four sides of the shop,  are those people.
58. They ask that shopkeeper, " Where has this thief come from?"
59. Then they also become angry with that thief .
60. They stand on two sides of the thief and beat him with (their)  hands.
61. There, is a school.( Use the word पाठशाला )
62. From here students are going to that school for study(Oh, Lord!)
63. From there also students come to this school for study.
64. They all come to this school for knowledge.
65. The teachers  say, " Let there be welfare to these students."                                                                                  

                                                        Phew! That was one marathon session! Over to answers in 15. B.



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