Subhashita 15. Ways to be famous.
Vacation time = Bored kids.
Bored kids = Arguments.
Arguments= Complete loss of one's sanity.( read mom's)
One morning i woke up smarter than i usually do. While i let sleeping dogs lie,    ( read: my kids were still in bed) i kept my Guiness book of world records ready. The minute i heard an, "Amma! She's rolled onto my side of the bed!" i ran to them for dear life WITH my Guiness.
"Okay, kids, read this.... so and so is in this book for sporting the longest finger-nails in cuticle history."
Four eyebrows rose in unison.
And smart ol' me got back to my work while the rest of the day presented an occasional, "Yipes! Imagine trying to get famous by doing that!"
घटं भिन्द्यात्, पटं छिन्द्यात्, कुर्यात् रासभरोहणम्  |
येन केन प्रकारेण प्रसिद्धः पुरुषो भवेत् |


One should break a pot. One should tear a cloth. One should get onto a donkey.
By any which way, a man ought to become famous.
Now my kids have begun to device unique methods to get into The Mother Of All Record Books.
Occupied kids = Total bliss.
And i have been wallowing in it ever since.

Prev Subhashita 14. The cuckoo and the crow. (Subhashita 14. The cuckoo and the crow.) Next Subhashita 16. Chanakya's advice. (Subhashita 16. Chanakya's advice.)