Lesson 80. Nyaya न्यायाः Sanskrit maxims
This lesson is something that you can keep as reference material. Often you'll come across words in a subhashita or wherever which don't seem to have any connection with the rest of the words in the sentence. But these words convey a wealth of meaning if you know the underlying story. Put two and two together and Hey Presto! It's all intelligible!
There are a number of Nyayas. We have listed 160 Nyayas giving their meaning click here ./myAssets/audio/Nyayas_.pdf to get to the complete list
We go to the last Lesson in these series Lesson no. 81 to have a glimpse of common idioms लोकोक्तयः
Prev Lesson 79 ----- अलङ्कार विचारः। Alankara-Vichara (Alankara-Vichara) Next Lesson 81 ----- Sanskrit Proverbs लोकोक्तयः (Sanskrit Proverbs लोकोक्तयः)