Lesson 33.त्वान्त, ल्यबन्त अव्यय s

Okay folks, once we go through this lesson, we've more or less cracked it. These gems of  अव्यय s, make the language simpler still.
Now you'll be able to say....

पठित्वा, अहं क्रीडितुम् उद्यानं गच्छामि |
भोजनं पक्त्वा (paktvaa) सा तं खादति | 

The idea that these अव्यय s convey is "having done a particular action.... OR doing a particular action" Sounds incomplete? It sure does. These अव्ययs cannot be used by themselves in a sentence without specifying what action has followed it.


Both त्वान्त and ल्यबन्त अव्यय s  convey the same meaning.
Dhaatu is  converted into a त्वान्त avyaya if it does not begin with an upasarga.
Dhaatu is converted into a ल्यबन्त avyaya if it begins with an upasarga.
So we have a क्षिप्त्वा and a  प्रक्षिप्य both meaning "having thrown." Getit?



An  उप + विश्  can only give rise to an उपविश्य, a ल्यबन्त avyaya, simply because it begins with an upasarga. It can never have the त्वान्त alternative.

सः स्नात्वा is incomplete. It would mean...Having bathed, he. What does he do having bathed? He reads. Therefore the correct sentence would be स्नात्वा, सः पठति |  Since they are अव्ययs, use them in any tense you'd like..... स्नात्वा, सः अपठत् |  Also correct.

 Supplement 21  gives you a HUGE list of त्वान्त and ल्यबन्त अव्यय s. If ever the going gets tough, use the त्वान्त अव्यय of the कृ धातु ...
स्नानं कृत्वा सः पठति | पठनं कृत्वा, सः क्रीडति | क्रीडनं कृत्वा सः पुनः गृहम् आगच्छति |
Instead of....... स्नात्वा, सः पठति | पठित्वा सः क्रीडति | क्रीडित्वा सः पुनः गृहम् आगच्छति |



(But if you ask me, that's plain chickening out of a situation that can, with a little effort, be mastered!)
• These avyayas also do some gluing stuff and bring two sentences together. For example: He ate. Then he read. खादित्वा, सः अपठत् | Do you recall the words in the गुरुभजस्तोत्रम् ...... रक्षित्वा मां क्षणे क्षणे?  

The Guru, having protected me at every moment.... what does he then do? Read that particular line . Believe me, it will be a wonderful surprise when you discover that parts of stotras have slowly begun to make sense. As our vocabulary increases, the entire stotra will begin to unfold itself. And all the effort that has gone into working with Sanskrit this far would have been well worth it.


                                                                             We proceed to exercises in the next Lesson 33 A      



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